Monday, June 18, 2007

"On the Lot" continues to Piss Me Off

K here.

Hilary Graham, the woman whose short last week got canned by Michael "we call that a groaner" Bay, was voted to continue on toward the million dollar deal, while one of the best in show, Trever James, got the boot.

Go to the On The Lot website and you'll see Tever's face staring back at you from the "We Say Farewell to..." page. It's supposed to be a homage of sorts, and he even gets his own little exit interview, but between Carrie Fisher's scandalous "Your films are terrible, but you're cute" reference to Kenny Luby, and dead-in-the-eyes Adriana Costa's skimpy, low-end outfits, I just don't know anymore.

The Episode itself was blasé. Kenny embarrassed himself (again) with a film even more wacked out than "Wack Alley Cab". Shira-Lee Shalit pleased the judges with her short "Beeline", while David May wasn't so lucky with his uninspiring "Love at First Shot".

The best (or worst) part of the show was when the unfortunately named Marty Martin scrapped with Princess Leia Carrie Fisher after he premiered his trying-too-hard short "Dance With the Devil".

"Well it certainly seems you're in love with yourself." Fisher quipped, after Martin said he made "Spielburg-size films."

Speilburg-size films? There's a certain level of cockiness that comes along with being a filmmaker, epsecially when you do it in Hollywood. But he doesn't have the charm of Zach Lee, the style of Shalini Kantayya, or the boobs of Adriana Costa.

All he has is a red beard and a penchant for being a douche.

If there's anything I've learned from watching "On the Lot" so far, it's that there are a lot of people in Steven Spielburg's debt. Either that, or Hollywood must really enjoy bad reality tv.

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