Monday, May 28, 2007

On The Lot? Maybe not.

M here.
The First true On The Lot screening episode happened tonight. Some films were pretty great (see above post for "Zach Lee" fandom), the commentary was a little fun but all-in-all this episode left something to be desired. What a complete turn around from the first episodes!

The host, who's name I cannot remember replaced a funnier, livelier Chelsea Handler to create a knock-off American Idol reality show, where the only reality is the fact that it might not last through the summer.

And believe this, these two bloggers want On The Lot to stay On The Air. Seriously, this is the greatest concept ever, but the producers are letting the ball drop. We as an audience are left high and dry many times during this show. We didn't even get to see what the heck happened to the rest of the semi-finalists (evidently they got kicked off in a Round Two that no one besides the producers of the show knew existed). We didn't have the slightest idea how the filmmakers made these lovely gems, only that they somehow got sent back to their hometowns where they were given a crew to work with for a 1-minute comedy script. And we're given this new hostess that dryer than the Sahara in the summer. (Seriously though guys...where the hell did she come from?!)

What a way to leave your audience out of the process, guys!

We love this show, but we'd like to feel more included. We don't want to see American Idol's younger, less attractive sister, we want to see a well thought-out progran that will attract us each and every week without leaving us feeling cheated. So come on! Man up!

Here are a couple of suggestions:

1. Please, please, please get rid of the hostess! We had a cringe-fest when she bounced on stage after the judges crucified Kenny Luby's sporatic cabbie flick with her plastic smile and Scarlette Johansson-esque voice: "Well, we've heard what the kjudges have to say, but let's just see if we can get American voting for you!"

"Seacrest, out!"

2. We don't want to hear the directors talk. Unless they're talking while shooting their film and explaning their film. Please, more shots of them doing...not sitting on a stage reminding everyone that one or all of the producers were obsessed with American Idol!

3. Get a mean judge. There's nothing better than hearing the truth from someone who is either too old or too jaded to be nice.

4. Focus on some drama. We all love drama. That's what Hollywood is about! If you want people to get interested, keep it lively. You were hitting gold when you touched on the tension between Jessica and Kenny over their infantile short.

On The Lot has a great deal of potential...but we as an audience can't see that if we're spoon-fed this regurgitated reality tv nonsense.

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