Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Welcome to Hollywood, Son!

M. here!

It's official: Zach Lipovsky has made it to the Big Time, when celebrity judge Garry Marshall gleefully proclaimed "Change you name, son, you're gonna be BIG in Hollywood!"

After resident wax-figurine, I mean, On The Lot Hostess, Adrianna Costa, asked Garry which name would be best suited for the goofy, wide-eyed 23-year-old, Garry laughed "Lee! Zach Lee!".

We here at CMMY totally agree!

Our support is totally behind this young kid who seems to not just have the heart to be a filmmaker, but the vision and style as well. His youth is his charm and his eagerness to create and perform is his ticket to that golden office at Dreamworks.

But it's also much more that that. This kid has a humor about him. As we screened the entry films from the 50 semi-finalists, we were disappointed one after the other until Zach Lee (!!) brought us comedy and humor with his entry. We liked Zach even more after seeing his second short with those lovely special affects. But what made him a solid winner in our books was his 1-minute short entitled Danger Zone (Check it out here). Shot continuously it is a hilarious ride through what is (supposedly) the safest place on earth!

Zach Lee is truly an inspiration, and it the one person we think is going to make it to the big time!

Good Luck, kid!

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